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thinking of you all who are far from us and wishing a you a wonderful christmas. we miss you all!
hooray! today we received a special package in the mail. inside, there were 3 packages (1 lb. each...yum, yum) of DELICIOUS lefse. tyler was so excited he wanted to eat some right away. but no...we did not eat any until after dinner. aahhh, it was so good! Freddy's Lefse is the best lefse we've ever had. Thank you ibu and grandpa john for sending it to us.

this is emma modeling a very stylish FedEx beanie hat. you can find more fashionable FedEx gear at the online store (cute baby not included).
i should have known that my theory was wrong (see last post). after she woke up from her AM nap that day of 1.5 hrs. her 1st afternoon nap only lasted 30 min. so i guess, i don't know what's going on. then today, she woke up at 6:15 am, ate and went back to sleep until 8:15 am. just when i think i'm starting to figure things out...ha, ha, ha...too good to be true.we got our christmas tree on sunday at good ol' home depot. not as big as last year, but it's not crooked! it looks beautiful, and the smell has just overtaken the downstairs living space...yum! it's always fun to dig out all of the ornaments and decorate the tree while blaring christmas music on the stereo.lastly, it finally started snowing today. after a couple of weeks of mild weather (in the 60s) it is now in the 30s (night lows in the 20s) with wind chill of 11 degrees...yuck! granted the snow is pretty and perfect for christmas, but after that it would be best if it could all just melt away. tyler wanted to ride his bike to school today, but we told him he couldn't because of the snow. i wonder if someone out there makes snow tires for bikes...but that's just crazy. it's too cold to ride a bike right now, although it's hard to get that through tyler's head sometimes. talk about a die-hard cyclist!
sleeping peacefully (i'd like to think that the crying that took place before this was all worth it...but doesn't seem so when she only sleeps for 30 minutes!)i think we may have had an afternoon nap breakthrough. for the past 2 months, emma has developed a stellar morning nap (sleeping 2-2.5 hours on average) though her 2 afternoon naps only last 30-35 min. (that's why i make her take a 3rd one much to her protest). at first, i thought the reason why she slept so well in the morning was because she slept in our bed, which is much more comfortable than a crib mattress and smells like mommy & daddy. however, on 3 occassions now, she has slept for 1-1.5 hours for her 1st afternoon nap-in her crib! what does this mean?? i don't know, but i'm excited (because she's much more pleasant when she can get a long afternoon nap in). my theory is that it's a combination of her getting older and allowing her to sleep for only 1.5 hours max in the morning. she's taking her morning nap right now. dare i wake her if she goes past the 1.5 hour mark? part of me wants to try, but part of me enjoys the 2.5 hours of "me" time (a.k.a catching up on cleaning, bill paying and other house related chores time) in the morning. hmmm....~prasti~