We decided to create a blog as a more efficient way to post picture and news updates. We'll still have the website though, but it won't be updated as frequently as this. Today was cookie day, which is something Aaron's mom has been doing for years. Cookie day is a day when all you do is bake tons and tons of christmas cookies all day. This year's attendees were Mom Purdum, Corrie (Aaron's sister), Grandma Purdum, and Prasti (1st year attendee!). Don't ask how many cookies we made because there were too many to count. We did make several kinds: sugar cookies, chocolate chip, peanut butter, almond bark, clothespin cookies and these cream cheese cookies. This year we had it at our house so that there will be someone home when Tyler gets home from school. We started at 8 a.m. and didn't finish until 4 or 5 p.m. Tyler appointed himself the official cookie taster...he doesn't want us to eat poisonous cookies!
sharing is caring, but please give credit when using images and content from this blog. feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions: herethereadventuresATgmail.com. thanks, friends!
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