as emma and i stopped by a park for a quick romp, i came across a small garden set back behind the swings. if i'm not mistaken, this garden is one of many community gardens that dot our little city, and there are even more scattered through out cleveland proper. a plot in a community garden runs between $25 - $30, which i believe includes shared watering and weeding duties. when you reside in an urban setting, especially our little cleveland suburb which happens to be the most densely populated city between New York and Chicago (per 2000 census), community gardens become much in demand for people who want to garden but don't have a lot of space. community gardens are also a wonderful way to build strong communities by providing opportunities for neighbors to develop relationships with one another through gardening.
public gardens
as emma and i stopped by a park for a quick romp, i came across a small garden set back behind the swings. if i'm not mistaken, this garden is one of many community gardens that dot our little city, and there are even more scattered through out cleveland proper. a plot in a community garden runs between $25 - $30, which i believe includes shared watering and weeding duties. when you reside in an urban setting, especially our little cleveland suburb which happens to be the most densely populated city between New York and Chicago (per 2000 census), community gardens become much in demand for people who want to garden but don't have a lot of space. community gardens are also a wonderful way to build strong communities by providing opportunities for neighbors to develop relationships with one another through gardening.
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