
pat robertson, may i kindly interject...

i don't know why God allows terrible things to happen.  i don't know why He allows us to loose someone we dearly love.  i don't know why He allows people to hurt or suffer. but i do know that He is faithful.  i know that He is good.  and deep in my heart i do know that He is always in control.

when a tragedy of this magnitude happens, i know that my faith in the Lord is strengthened by the example of people around the world coming together to help.  His love shines through when complete strangers are willing to go out of their way to offer aid to a country devastated by disaster. i find it amazing that people can come alongside each other to help, when any other day they may not get along.

fedex is sending thousands and thousands and thousands of palettes of food to haiti.  american airlines is offering free flight to haiti for doctors and medical workers.  people are donating what they can to international aid agencies.  His love for all His people is very clear to me.

i don't really care to waste my time focusing on the contorversial comments being said about this tragedy, because i think it detracts from what we should be focusing on.  there are people that need your help.  share God's love and honor Him by focusing your time in praying for the haitans, and for the people that will be going out there to help.  focus your time in doing what you can to help.
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