

Gibson, my sweet, sweet, boy.

Today we celebrate your birthday.  It has been 5 years since you first entered this world.  While the details are a bit blurry, I will never forget how I felt the first time I met you.

You bring me great joy (and I admit sometimes great stress), and much laughter with your silly ways.  I have enjoyed watching you grow and change this past year, and am thankful that I can be a part of your life.

You are loving, reserved, rambunctious, joyful, smart, shy, adventurous, helpful, curious, silly, and sweet little man. I know that your sisters and brothers love you very much, just as your mommy and daddy love you too.

One of my favorite things about you is your curious nature.  Which is funny, because that same curious nature is also sometimes the source of some of my stress.  I know when you deconstruct things and tear things apart, it's only because you want to figure out how things work.  I'm pretty sure that's why you enjoy puzzles and Legos.  At least with those, you're supposed to take them apart when you're done.  Right?

Some of your highlights from the past year: writing and copying letters, writing your name, more detailed drawings (I am still impressed with your Ninja Turtle pictures), knowledgeable about certain animal traits (like why the cheetah has dark markings under its eyes), creative building with Legos (must take after your big brother), mastering the balance bike, counting to almost 20, adding, more detailed narrations of experiences and stories, and mastering 100 piece puzzles.

Sometimes I wonder when your sweet pre-bedtime snuggles will end.  Or when you'll want me to stop giving you hugs and kisses in public.  I promise when you think you're too old for me (or dad) to give you hugs and kisses in public, I'll be more discreet...sometimes.

I look forward to seeing you grow this coming year.  I wonder what I will write next year.  Some things will probably be the same, but I'm sure there will be new things to add too.  I love you forever, my little dude.  That, I know, will never change.

Happiest birthday to you, my son.  Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you and who you are becoming.  May God continue his work in you and through you, and that today and every day will be filled with joy!



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