

why is it that it's so easy for emma to get into sleep mode when it's bedtime, but she cries in protest when it's time for a nap???? why is it such a struggle for her to nap, but bedtime is so much easier? doesn't she know that getting enough sleep makes her a happier baby? someone needs to invent a baby language decoder so i can communicate that to her. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Sounds familiar Pras - Mom

originally posted: 05 October, 2006 16:10

Anonymous said...

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I am just now ready to go back upstairs after Sophia has cried herself into yet another nap. For her, there is almost no such thing as taking a nap without crying first, and she too goes to bed with ease. I guess some of us (myself including!) just don't like taking naps!

imagine us when sophia has a bed instead of a crib in January!! ha ha ha ha ha (sigh)

originally posted: 10 October, 2006 19:15

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