spring concert
anyway, lately i've been really frustrated at all the spiderman related advertisements. i've been especially annoyed at the spiderman toy and kids' clothing ads. why? the movie is rated PG-13, and yet the majority of the ads are marketed towards kids under the age of 13. all the spiderman movies (and the hulk, and superman) were all marketed that way. kind of messed up in my opinion. not that we won't allow tyler to see it, but he's a bit older. but what about parents of younger kids? would you let your 5 year old see it? or your 4 year old? i know there are many parents here in the u.s. that allow their young children to watch TV. kids 6 and under spend an avg. of 2 hrs./day using screen media, and the avg. american watches about 4 hours of TV/day (go here for more alarming facts). especially w/ cable, there are more channel options for kids to choose from, which keeps them hooked on the TV. ugh, i think i'm just really frustrated at how the media chooses to take advantage of kids who they know are VERY impressionable! makes it tough on us parents. *sigh*.
i found the TV Turnoff Network. what do you know, TV Turnoff week is this week! tyler is already not watching TV during the week so i don't think it would be fair to "deprive" him of TV over the weekend. today, our TV substitute activity was playing twister and LIFE after dinner and homework. it felt great to interact w/each other and we didn't miss the TV at all. i'm so glad we don't have cable (makes things easier)!
225 years old!
jump rope for heart success!
jump rope for heart success!
yumm...puffed apple pancake
we've arrived....
off we go....
trash...not a good thing

- in a lifetime, the average american will throw away 600 times his/her adult weight in garbabge, leaving a legacy of 90,00 lbs. of trash for his/her children.
- americans throw away enough office paper annually to build a wall 12 feet high, stretching from l.a. to nyc.
- americans throw away enough aluminum every 3 mos. to rebuild our entire commercial air fleet.
yikes! so i got that info. from this city of lakewood newsletter we received in the mail. stats like that sometimes makes me feel like our recycling efforts aren't really going to make much of a difference when there aren't enough people being made aware of the importance of recycling. yes...i know i'm sounding like some crazed hippy, but trash isn't going away. sometimes i get frustrated because i just don't see enough folks around here recycle. the service is free (unlike in seattle where you have to pay for waste & recycling services), all you have to do is sort the stuff and put it out on the curb. not hard, but not too many people we know around here do it. admittedly, i've been known to pick out beer bottles, empty soup cans, and pieces of paper out of our trash can so that i can put it in our recycling. go ahead...i know i'm sounding like a tree hugger, but i just had to get that out. like they taught me in school: recycle-reduce-reuse!