dioramas. remeber those? i used to love making dioramas. this diorama was created by tyler for his book report on frindle. the best part about this project was not the super A grade he received from his teacher. in fact, the best part was that he put this project together by himself. alone. with no help from me. none. not even a little. he came up with everything himself. and he looked like he had fun doing it. too bad school doesn't use hands-on projects as their primary way of teaching. then maybe tyler would think school is fun all the time.
making the grade
dioramas. remeber those? i used to love making dioramas. this diorama was created by tyler for his book report on frindle. the best part about this project was not the super A grade he received from his teacher. in fact, the best part was that he put this project together by himself. alone. with no help from me. none. not even a little. he came up with everything himself. and he looked like he had fun doing it. too bad school doesn't use hands-on projects as their primary way of teaching. then maybe tyler would think school is fun all the time.
Aah.. The challenges of teaching. I know what you mean, but we are also under a lot of pressure to meet standards for state testing. That is how we get funding for our schools here. It's a balance for sure! I love his project. I'd give him an A+ too.
originally posted: 03 May, 2008 10:30
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