
pregnancy update: 1

at least i think it's update number 1. i don't think i've blogged much about this pregnancy except for here. and there wasn't much content in that one either.

so here's an update since october!

we had our "major" ultrasound this week...hence the fancy, shmancy ultrasound photo from yesterday. baby stats are right on target (weighed in at 13 oz. or as aaron put it..."it weighs more than a bottle of beer!") and everything seems to be as it should. emma was absolutely fascinated with the experience. i think the 3-D version captured her attention the most, because you could see the baby's features better. i think one of my favorite parts about having the ultrasound is seeing the heartbeat (the 4 chambers are so clear!). it's pretty amazing to think that you are carrying and nurturing another human life inside your own body. talk about a miracle.

but this baby is already different from emma when she was in the womb. this one was so squirmy that the technician did not end up determining the sex (not that we wanted to know)! it already has its own character...and i was reminded of this as i watched this baby kick, roll, and suck its own thumb.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful experience! Glad to hear you and baby are healthy!

Robert Stockham said...

I am enjoying your pregnancy via the ethernet. I get to share all the joys, all the wonder, and have none of the foot swelling and pain. Thanks for sharing this with us! I wish all the best in the coming months, you guys are often in my thoughts!

Bill and Meg said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting! I always thought ultrasounds were fun, and it is amazing what can be seen. Just think, never again will you see your baby's heart or brain ;) (unless you have another ultrasound before he/she is born). Hope the remainder of your pregnancy is healthy and comfortable.

SarahHub said...

Congrats! I know I said this yesterday, but what a miracle! And I, too, love that verse...

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