
leaving an inheritance

just thought i'd link this great post on the importance of leaving an inheritance for your children.  i thought it was particularly interesting that the author did not put an excessive amount of focus on leaving inheritance money.  instead, he emphasized that providing and teaching your kids a debt free lifestyle is the inheritance itself (at least that's what i gathered from the article).

helping your kids avoid being in debt during the first years of their adult life (whether it's paying for college, furnishing their own home, etc.) is an amazing gift that we as parents can give.  i know that we wouldn't be in the financial position we are today if my parents did not take the burden of paying for my college education.  we would definitely be in a way bigger hole. 

and now, we would like to do the same for our kids.  that's why we're doing this.  that way, when they begin their own life as an adult, they can start "fresh."  a clean slate.  it is another way we can be better financial stewards of God's money.  and beyond that, it is a way for us to begin to build our legacy.  how are we managing our finances today so that our grandkids, and their kids, and their kids can be helped?  and how can they help others around them with what we've left behind?  where is our focus?  are we living just for today or are we living for the future?


Rebecca K. said...

This is just SO TRUE!! And what an inheritance it can be, FINANCIALLY, without even contributing a penny!! And further, to think of all the relief from stress and laying up at night worrying about money... what a gift that is!

Katie said...

Prasti, I love your blog especially when it addresses these important topics....

Melissa said...

Food for thought. Thanks!

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