top ten tuesday
for the bacon lover in you...when simply eating mere bacon is not enough.
top ten edible and non-edible bacony items of interest (in no particular order):
1. the bacon air freshener. [there's nothing better than coming into a car filled with that bacony aroma. ask my husband.]
2. that bacon one truffle. [a family favorite when we stop by lilly's.]
3. bacon-infused old fashioned: bacon-infused bourbon and maple foam. [heard about this from a friend. though i don't care for bourbon/whisky, it sounds like an interesting mix.]
4. smell like bacon with bacon soap. [who doesn't want to smell like maple bacon?]
5. and for the ladies, bacon earrings: there are these cute, little ones or this one is more dangly and realistic looking. [wear them with pride, people!]
6. bacon salt: kosher and vegan friendly. [you don't have to be a meat eater to enjoy that smoky bacon flavor.]
7. fill your house with a bacony-aroma every day with these bacon scented candles. [the downside to this: i would actually want to eat some asap.]
8. baconfest in chicago. [bacon poetry? bacon expo? i think it would just put me over the edge.]
9. get bacon flavored lattes with bacon syrup. or maybe an italian soda with bacon syrup instead of the usual berry flavors? [ummm...yum? questionable, but i'd be willing to try if torani would send me a free sample. i'll even write a review.]
10. bacon undies. [cute, no?]
and don't miss the latest bacon news by stopping by bacon today or royal bacon society.
have a great day! and eat some bacon!
top ten edible and non-edible bacony items of interest (in no particular order):
1. the bacon air freshener. [there's nothing better than coming into a car filled with that bacony aroma. ask my husband.]
2. that bacon one truffle. [a family favorite when we stop by lilly's.]
3. bacon-infused old fashioned: bacon-infused bourbon and maple foam. [heard about this from a friend. though i don't care for bourbon/whisky, it sounds like an interesting mix.]
4. smell like bacon with bacon soap. [who doesn't want to smell like maple bacon?]
5. and for the ladies, bacon earrings: there are these cute, little ones or this one is more dangly and realistic looking. [wear them with pride, people!]
6. bacon salt: kosher and vegan friendly. [you don't have to be a meat eater to enjoy that smoky bacon flavor.]
7. fill your house with a bacony-aroma every day with these bacon scented candles. [the downside to this: i would actually want to eat some asap.]
8. baconfest in chicago. [bacon poetry? bacon expo? i think it would just put me over the edge.]
9. get bacon flavored lattes with bacon syrup. or maybe an italian soda with bacon syrup instead of the usual berry flavors? [ummm...yum? questionable, but i'd be willing to try if torani would send me a free sample. i'll even write a review.]
10. bacon undies. [cute, no?]
and don't miss the latest bacon news by stopping by bacon today or royal bacon society.
have a great day! and eat some bacon!
oh birthday girl...
i feel like a mom that forgot her child's birthday.
i've posted about gibson and ty's birthdays and here we are 2 weeks after emma's birthday and i still haven't put anything up for her.
oh baby girl...i'm so sorry!
but here it is. now.
my birthday girl awoke bright-eyed on her 4th birthday with a big smile on her face. ready to take on the day.

we spent the early afternoon checking out discover gordon square art district day and more of made in the 216. she enjoyed looking at the plush toys, testing out the furniture, and even received a special gift from ms. danielle: "e" stickers! her most favorite is the mustached letter e.
we then took a stroll down detroit ave to the happy dog for a happy birthday hot dog lunch (since ty's birthday is 2 days after emma's, doing the happy dog lunch worked out great, because it was a treat for the both of them). emma stayed safe with some carmalized onions, mustard, ketchup and cheese topping on her hot dog, while ty went a little wild and crazy topping his with peanut butter, bacon and cheese (blech!). and gibson had the honor of breaking in the restaurant's brand new high chair.
her birthday dinner of choice was aladdin's, where we filled up on pita, hummus and smoothies. afterward, we came home to blow out candles on her birthday cake. i am emphasizing the cake part, because she specifically requested birthday cake. not birthday cupcakes. not birthday brownies. birthday cake.
gift opening was spread out over the course of the day, which i like because it keeps her from getting into present overload. well, i suppose you could say it was spread out over the course of several days, and she got aunt corrie's gift back in may so really you could technically say it was spread out over a couple of months.
our gift to her were 2 belts for her saggy butt pants (which she had requested for the past year or so) and some glitter glue. one belt was made from one of aaron's old ties he found at a garage sale (sorry, no photo), and the other was made from some left over fabric from the skirt corrie made for her.
happy belated birthday, baby girl. though you have really changed from baby to little girl. you have been especially amazing at helping your mama pick up after gibson's messes. never a complaint when i ask for your help. you are turning into such a sweet and thoughtful little lady. one thing i really find special about you is your excitement over sharing your stickers. so sweet. the drive-by sticking are fun, especially when someone points out that i have sticker on my backside. i love our quiet times together coloring, reading, sewing and crafting. i love your giving heart. you love "making presents" for friends and family so that your craft center is littered with drawings, stickers and cut up bits of paper and ribbons to give to others.
hugs and kisses from your mama! love you girlie, silly faces and all!
i've posted about gibson and ty's birthdays and here we are 2 weeks after emma's birthday and i still haven't put anything up for her.
oh baby girl...i'm so sorry!
but here it is. now.
my birthday girl awoke bright-eyed on her 4th birthday with a big smile on her face. ready to take on the day.
we spent the early afternoon checking out discover gordon square art district day and more of made in the 216. she enjoyed looking at the plush toys, testing out the furniture, and even received a special gift from ms. danielle: "e" stickers! her most favorite is the mustached letter e.
we then took a stroll down detroit ave to the happy dog for a happy birthday hot dog lunch (since ty's birthday is 2 days after emma's, doing the happy dog lunch worked out great, because it was a treat for the both of them). emma stayed safe with some carmalized onions, mustard, ketchup and cheese topping on her hot dog, while ty went a little wild and crazy topping his with peanut butter, bacon and cheese (blech!). and gibson had the honor of breaking in the restaurant's brand new high chair.
her birthday dinner of choice was aladdin's, where we filled up on pita, hummus and smoothies. afterward, we came home to blow out candles on her birthday cake. i am emphasizing the cake part, because she specifically requested birthday cake. not birthday cupcakes. not birthday brownies. birthday cake.
gift opening was spread out over the course of the day, which i like because it keeps her from getting into present overload. well, i suppose you could say it was spread out over the course of several days, and she got aunt corrie's gift back in may so really you could technically say it was spread out over a couple of months.
our gift to her were 2 belts for her saggy butt pants (which she had requested for the past year or so) and some glitter glue. one belt was made from one of aaron's old ties he found at a garage sale (sorry, no photo), and the other was made from some left over fabric from the skirt corrie made for her.
happy belated birthday, baby girl. though you have really changed from baby to little girl. you have been especially amazing at helping your mama pick up after gibson's messes. never a complaint when i ask for your help. you are turning into such a sweet and thoughtful little lady. one thing i really find special about you is your excitement over sharing your stickers. so sweet. the drive-by sticking are fun, especially when someone points out that i have sticker on my backside. i love our quiet times together coloring, reading, sewing and crafting. i love your giving heart. you love "making presents" for friends and family so that your craft center is littered with drawings, stickers and cut up bits of paper and ribbons to give to others.
hugs and kisses from your mama! love you girlie, silly faces and all!
new listing :: sacred heart
love, is a burning flame...
just listed these old school, tattoo-esque, sacred heart onesies at my little shop. it is an original design done by yours truly, except for the flames who were done by my dear husband.
i had been thinking about this design in my head for a while, but i wasn't sure how i would put it on paper (or transpose it to thread for that matter). i wanted it to be reminiscent of those old school sacred heart tattoos. at the same time, i needed to keep the design simple enough so that it would come across well as an embroidered piece.
i really love the nostalgic and classic feel of old school tattoos. i'm hoping to work with aaron on a couple more designs to embroider.
just listed these old school, tattoo-esque, sacred heart onesies at my little shop. it is an original design done by yours truly, except for the flames who were done by my dear husband.
i had been thinking about this design in my head for a while, but i wasn't sure how i would put it on paper (or transpose it to thread for that matter). i wanted it to be reminiscent of those old school sacred heart tattoos. at the same time, i needed to keep the design simple enough so that it would come across well as an embroidered piece.
i really love the nostalgic and classic feel of old school tattoos. i'm hoping to work with aaron on a couple more designs to embroider.
dads are awesome!
happy father's day to all the daddies (and daddies-to-be) out there!
and nothing gets the father of the year award than a photo opp with your 3 kids and a bottle of rum in front of the liquor store...
now that's class. ha, ha. just joking.
in all seriousness...
thanks dad for putting up with me and my craziness (ha!).
and to my own husband, thank you for being a super-dad. really. you are amazing and awesome. even when you're worn out from a long day at work you still make time for all your 3 kids (and me), making each of them feel loved and special.
thank you for being a role model our sons can look up to, and for showing our daughter how a woman and wife should be treated and cared for.
we love you!
and nothing gets the father of the year award than a photo opp with your 3 kids and a bottle of rum in front of the liquor store...
now that's class. ha, ha. just joking.
in all seriousness...
thanks dad for putting up with me and my craziness (ha!).
and to my own husband, thank you for being a super-dad. really. you are amazing and awesome. even when you're worn out from a long day at work you still make time for all your 3 kids (and me), making each of them feel loved and special.
thank you for being a role model our sons can look up to, and for showing our daughter how a woman and wife should be treated and cared for.
we love you!
made in the 216: back again
last week was the return of made in the 216. this event made its debut last summer, and was obviously a huge success because this time around it was a whole lot bigger.
although the event was held in the same location as last year, there were a lot more artists featured this time around. and it seemed every usable space to feature the artists' creations was used.
aaron and i stopped by friday night, sans kiddies, and it. was. busy. the place was fairly packed, a live DJ was on hand mixing up some sweet tunes, and the lines at the register seemed never-ending. they even stayed open later to accomodate people who were still interested in making purchases.
we returned the following day with the kids and spent more time looking over all the locally made merchandise. from jewelry and other wearables to furniture, it was hard not to find something for everyone.
i love going to this event, because i find it to be a great opportunity to find uniqe gifts for other people while supporting local businesses at the same time. how can you go wrong with that?
it is nice to see people coming out to show their support for events like this. whether you make a purchase or not, your presence along with that of so many people provides tremendous encouragement to the community, local neighborhoods and the city as a whole.
although the event was held in the same location as last year, there were a lot more artists featured this time around. and it seemed every usable space to feature the artists' creations was used.
aaron and i stopped by friday night, sans kiddies, and it. was. busy. the place was fairly packed, a live DJ was on hand mixing up some sweet tunes, and the lines at the register seemed never-ending. they even stayed open later to accomodate people who were still interested in making purchases.
we returned the following day with the kids and spent more time looking over all the locally made merchandise. from jewelry and other wearables to furniture, it was hard not to find something for everyone.
i love going to this event, because i find it to be a great opportunity to find uniqe gifts for other people while supporting local businesses at the same time. how can you go wrong with that?
it is nice to see people coming out to show their support for events like this. whether you make a purchase or not, your presence along with that of so many people provides tremendous encouragement to the community, local neighborhoods and the city as a whole.
wordless wednesday::my hometown
the teen years: v. 1.3
a while back, i met this little boy. he had just turned 4 years old, with these round checks, freckled nose, and a head of red hair.
i fell in love with his daddy, and the 3 of us started our new life together.
9 years later that little 4 year old is now officially a teenager. that's right...it's the big 1.3. a definite milestone. good-bye kid's menus, good-bye boy's clothing sizes, good-bye boy's shoe sizes. it is no more.

he had a few of his close friends come over to celebrate his birthday and spend the night camped out in the back yard. aaron took them out to pizza (and no, it wasn't chuck-e-cheese) where they can chill and hang-out (and maybe feel a little bit more grown-up).
there was the usual brownie cake coupled with some shenanigans.
for his actual birthday, his birthday dinner of choice was to have coconut shrimp. and since i didn't feel like making them myself (though we have in the past) we hit up red lobster.
and i think those new, trendy sunglasses complete the teenager package.
happy 13th birthday,our little, red-haired boy tyler!
i fell in love with his daddy, and the 3 of us started our new life together.
9 years later that little 4 year old is now officially a teenager. that's right...it's the big 1.3. a definite milestone. good-bye kid's menus, good-bye boy's clothing sizes, good-bye boy's shoe sizes. it is no more.

he had a few of his close friends come over to celebrate his birthday and spend the night camped out in the back yard. aaron took them out to pizza (and no, it wasn't chuck-e-cheese) where they can chill and hang-out (and maybe feel a little bit more grown-up).
there was the usual brownie cake coupled with some shenanigans.
for his actual birthday, his birthday dinner of choice was to have coconut shrimp. and since i didn't feel like making them myself (though we have in the past) we hit up red lobster.
and i think those new, trendy sunglasses complete the teenager package.
happy 13th birthday,