every so often, the screw factory artists hold an open studio event for the public. we enjoy going every time and this past one was no exception.
we saw many of the same artists, but some new ones as well. and there was a little something for everyone: LEGO paintings for ty, messenger bags and other bicycle related gear for aaron, little fairy doors for emma, knitted cat nip mice for gibson, and soaps and little purses for the girly-girl side of me.
additionally, cleveland handmade market was there selling early bird tickets for their last minute market event, and coffee for a cause had a table promoting their delicious smelling, fresh roasted coffee.
if you are an avid coffee drinker (and coffee aficionado), then i would encourage you to consider making a purchase from coffee for a cause. this is a local business started by one of our neighbors that partners coffee lovers with charities. if you purchase coffee from them part of the proceeds will go to one of the charities they support, but you get to pick which one.
and...be sure to mark your calendars for the last minute market, saturday december 18, which will also be in conjunction with another screw factory artists open studio event. this is a great way to take care of any last minute christmas shopping and support local businesses at the same time. if you purchase a ticket for the early bird admission, you will be entered for a chance to win various prizes donated by local artists. plus, all proceeds from the ticket sales will go towards the hunger network. can't beat that!
I admire your ability to get to all these awesome events. With Aelyn's naps the way they are right now, I feel lucky to get the grocery shopping in some days. I know that will improve over time though. This looks like a great event. Maybe next year!
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