sorry for the delay with updates, we got home on thursday afternoon and had to go back in to get gibson's jaundice checked out on friday. his levels were a bit high so they re-admitted him into the hospital. he is currently laying under the bili lights to help him process the biliruben. his numbers have been coming down (which is a good thing) and he is active and feeding well (translated..mama has to stay in the hospital 24/7 with him for feedings). God willing, he will be coming home again tomorrow. now i know what bret favre fans must fell like.
baby update
sorry for the delay with updates, we got home on thursday afternoon and had to go back in to get gibson's jaundice checked out on friday. his levels were a bit high so they re-admitted him into the hospital. he is currently laying under the bili lights to help him process the biliruben. his numbers have been coming down (which is a good thing) and he is active and feeding well (translated..mama has to stay in the hospital 24/7 with him for feedings). God willing, he will be coming home again tomorrow. now i know what bret favre fans must fell like.
Awe. Sorry to hear you guys are stuck at the hospital. Praying that Gibson gets better so you can get home and settled in with your new little bundle.
get better keponakanku!!!!
ACK SO SORRY SWEETIE! Thats the problem that D had last summer to! She didnt have to be readmitted but she did have to stay that extra day! the counts coming down is a very good thing! Hugs!!!
he's so beautiful prasti! congratulations!
I am sending you a ton of good thoughts and hugs through the ether! Let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do for you. Having a new baby is rough enough without having to worry about the baby's health and being stuck at the hospital! Seriously, email or call me if we can make you dinner or babysit Emma or walk the dog or anything that you need!
hi guys - sorry for the delayed congrats. working on package to send out. miss you and thinking MUCH of you!! Hopefully you will be home soon!!!!! love - all the ledouxs
Hope he gets to come home soon. He is beautiful.
I am passing along the Honest Scrap Award to you. Stop by to accept!! (When you can- I'm sure life is busy with the new addition!)
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