since the last pregnancy update (which have been quite few, i know), it turns out i tested positive for GBS. quite a surprise since they were negative with emma. 2 doses of antibiotics to be administered during labor helps keep the baby from getting GBS during the delivery process. since i labored quite quickly with emma, an induction (via amniotomy) is now scheduled for 20 may to ensure that there will be enough time for me to receive the antibiotics before i deliver the baby.
unfortunately, the antibiotics are administered through an IV, which i had hoped to avoid getting (the IV that is) since i feel it will limit my mobility during the laboring process. i'm also uncertain if our water birth plan will follow through because of the IV, but maybe there'll be enough time for them to administer it and then take the IV out. i think that's probably wishful thinking, since it wouldn't make sense to take an IV back out once it's in.
ultimately, the priority is to deliver a healthy baby, so if it means compromising my birth plan, it certainly is well worth it. on the plus side, it's actually nice to have a confirmed date as to when to expect your baby's birth (though I could certain go at any moment before then).
so it's truly down to the home stretch. in just a few short days we will be meeting the newest member of our family.
i'm sorry about the bgs and iv news. but glad you know about it so lil one won't get it!! best of luck - can't wait to hear the news!!!
love from the leDouxs
Sorry to hear about your pregnancy "hiccups." We'll be praying for a healthy and safe delivery!
Praying for a safe and healthy delivery. I can't wait to meet the new wee one!!!!
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