west side market-angle 1
west side market-angle 2
huntington beach
at emerald necklace marina
at emerald necklace marina
we've had a lot of stuff going since we've recovered from our trip's jet-lag. the first weekend after we were back we went to west side market to tool around and then to huntington beach to swim. then mon. and tues. emma & i went to kid fest, put on by cross point church. then the following sat. we hosted a BYOM (bring your own meat) cook-out...which was super fun by the way (pics to come later). then this past sun. we found a little marina where you can go fishing or kayaking/canoeing(??). the weather's been so nice that we gotta cram all that outdoor stuff before the cold hits and the snow comes.
That dress from pasaraya is so cute on her!!
originally posted: 02 August, 2007 00:39
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